Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thing #3-Completed!

I finished writing my thank you cards.  I still need two addresses but the rest are sitting in the mailbox waiting for the mailman to take them tomorrow.  Yay!  Here are the finished cards!

My new thing 3 is..... Brush Mosey's teeth everyday for 2 weeks.  You may think this is weird.  But that is your problem.  :]  I have brushed his teeth an average of once a week so far but he hates it so much that I hate it too.  I have to suck it up and be strong.  After two weeks, if he isn't used to it by then, I may just leave it up to rawhide.....


Anonymous said...

Keep brushing. At age 10 Chug only has 5 or 6 teeth left in his mouth so we have to feed him separate from the other dogs so he can eat slowly. You can always add flossing to your list:)

Ondria said...

Have you tried him with a Sonicare? Maybe one of your dental friends could score you a free one.

Anneke said...


That thank you note picture might go well for an istock photo too!

2 birds with 1 stone.